How to Print a Void Cheque

Our regulations, in combination with the Government, are slowly removing any physical cheques from investment accounts as sometimes cheques get lost in the mail (or clients forget to update us when they move). 

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In order to successfully phase out the mailing of cheques, we are now required to add banking information to every single account. This means that if you ever wish to withdraw money, or deposit money into your account it is already set up and ready to go. 

This is a mandatory part of updating your file now, set by our investment regulations.

You have 3 options for providing this:

  1. In Person: 
    • Bring a Void Cheque, or PAD print out to your in-person meeting
    • How to Print a Void Cheque / PAD from your online banking
  2. By Email:
  3. Upload the cheque directly into your Investia Client Portal
    • Step by step directions can be found here.


    1. From your Accounts page, select your chequing account
    2. Select Direct Deposits & Payments
    3. Go to Void Cheque and select View/Print

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    1. Sign into CIBC Online Banking and select “My Accounts” from the menu.
    2. Select the account you want to link.
    3. Select the “Void cheque/direct deposit info” link from the “Manage My Account” dropdown.
    4. Review the Account Information form with your account information including transit number, institution number, and account number.
    5. Print the form, add your signature and date

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    1. From the TD app home screen, find My Accounts button and select Banking.
    2. Select the account into which your funds will be directly deposited.
    3. On the Account screen, select the tab Summary.
    4. Select the option Direct Deposit Information – View.
    5. At the bottom of the page, select the button Get Form. This will download a PDF copy of the Direct Deposit form to your device.

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    1. Sign in and tap the Account you want to obtain the void cheque for
    2. Select Details (the 3 dots in the corner) and then tap Get a Void Cheque
    3. Tap Download to download a PDF of your void cheque, you can then save it to your mobile device, text, or email

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    1. Sign in to your online banking (cannot be access from the mobile app)
    2. Select “Set Up Direct Deposits” on the right hand side
    3. Select the right account and press ‘Print’
    4. Save a PDF of your void cheque

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