Hi! I’m Missy – Part 1

Hey there! Thanks for checking out my website and blog. I thought I’d do a blog post introducing myself. This is part 1 of who I am, my personal story, we will touch on the nitty-gritty of me, my education, and my experience in other posts.

I understand that mortgages are overwhelming, scary, and confusing. My goal is to make you feel comfortable, and make the process easy and clear cut! It’s also a personal process, so let’s get personal.

My name is Melissa, but my friends and family call me Missy. We are going to get close over this process, and become friends, so you can call me Missy!

I’m an Oshawa Mortgage Agent licensed under Dominion Lending Centres Forest City Funding license #10672. While I may be newer to the mortgage world, I’ve got a great team of senior agents helping me out in the background.

To sum me up: I have always loved helping people, and I’d love to help you with your mortgage needs.

About Me:

My husband John and I met during University while attending Ontario Tech University (or as I still call it, UOIT). He was the president of the fraternity Zeta Psi and I was the president of the sorority Alpha Sigma. (Right? Adorably gross!) We have been married since 2012, and have a sassy pants 4-year-old daughter, Aubrey.

As a family, we moved to BC after Aubrey was born and lived there for 2 years. It was an amazing, freeing experience and we deeply miss the people we met out there. But ultimately, we moved home in 2018 due to the HUGE families that we both have here in Ontario. Aubrey has 10 cousins around her age here!

We now live in a century home in downtown Oshawa with our dream kitchen. (We LOVE to host!) We keep our home full of family and friends as much as we can. (You can go away now COVID-19!) I spent years in the hospitality industry and John loves to cook. And he sure is amazing at it! So our home is usually flowing with family, friends, food, and drinks!

We got our dog, Goomba shortly after we got married. She is a stinky, kiss attacking pup without a mean bone in her body. BUT she LOVES to bark when people come to the door. Just say hi to her, and she will stop!

Just last month, we adopted M’Lady into our family. Aubrey is absolutely obsessed with any and all things cat, and to be honest, our century home had a little rat problem. (yuck. but also, all clear now!) She definitely fits right into our family and is the most patient thing as Aubrey takes her on adventures all day.

Stay tuned, there will be more about in the coming weeks, and also lots of great mortgage tips, mortgage explanations and other information stuff!

Thanks, chat soon.

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